Wrongful Conviction Investigation and Consultation

Case Study

While working as a detective for the Simi Valley Police Department, Mike Bender learned that his agency was responsible for arresting an innocent man for a double murder. He spent the next 30 years trying to right this wrong.

On November 22, 2017, Craig Coley was found Factually Innocent and Exonerated. He was released from his “Life Without the Possibility of Parole” sentence, ending a nearly 39-year nightmare.

Craig has the unfortunate distinction of being the longest-serving wrongful conviction in California’s history. Since Craig’s release, over 1,100 more innocent souls have been exonerated. Wrongful convictions still occur too frequently.

Mike and Craig train law enforcement on steps they can take to avoid convicting the innocent.

Mike Bender continues to work on solving the Wicht murders and expects a successful conclusion within the year.

A wooden gavel sitting on top of some books.
A group of people standing in front of a projector screen.

Related Videos and Stories Regarding Craig Coley’s Wrongful Conviction:

  • GoFundMe produced a five-minute video on our story here.

  • Los Angeles Times’ story here.

  • Craig Coley’s Community Facebook Page is here.

  • Pending 16 Boxes documentary trailer here.

  • National Registry of Exonerations is here.

Book Inquiries Welcome

Inquiries are welcome from established Copy Editors and Publishers regarding my manuscript; Chronicling the entire 40-year nightmare Craig Coley endured and my 30-year struggle to free him and bring to justice those responsible. The story demonstrates how police and prosecutors can wrongfully accuse and convict the innocent and offers solutions along the way to prevent wrongful convictions.

A judge 's gavel on top of an open book.

Book inquiries welcome.